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Why Is Captain America an Overrated Character?


In the movie Captain America: Civil War, There is a fight between Spiderman and Captain America. And Captain won the fight. MCU tried to show that superhuman abilities of Spiderman is not sufficient to defeat the Captain. My question is who according to Marvel comics has the ability to lift more weight between Captain America and Spiderman. Spiderman can lift upto 10 tons where Captain America can lift only upto 1500 punds. Now what do you think? Whose punches will have more impact? Obviously, Spiderman. But no, according to MCU Captain can squeeze Spiderman like an ant. What the Fuck!! Captain America is great at hand to hand combat. But is Spiderman bad at hand to hand combat? If you think logically, Spiderman is better than Cap in hand to hand combat any day. Spiderman is stronger, he is super intelligent, his flexibility and reflex is way more better than that of Captain. Now some people will argue Captain is fast. His punches will be so fast that Peter will have difficulty in tackling his punches. I want to ask those Captain America fans. Did you watch the first Spiderman movie of Tobey Maguire? When Peter did not even realize his powers, how he reacted to the punches of Flash (not Superhero Flash). Peter was seeing the punches coming towards him in slow motion. Now, imagine Captain’s punches are 10 times faster than a normal human being. still, can Captain's punches be fast enough to put Spiderman in trouble.

But no, MCU has to portray Captain America stronger than any other Superhero. To do that they can go to any extent. They don't even care to humiliate Thor, the thunder God. In the first Avengers movie, when Captain America came between Tony and Thor, remeber how Thor’s hammer was defied by Cap’s shield. Thor was defeated by a human being with peak human ability.

There are multiple such example. But the most noteworthy is the fight between Ironman and Captain Rogers. The movie Captain America : Civil War is a nightmare for Ironman fans like me. Ironman faced a humiliating defeated by someone who is way more inferior to the genius Ironman.

I can show ample example of such incidents. Captain America being the leader of Avenger is the most ridiculous thing at the first place. He is no close to being the strongest Avenger. Nor he is the most intelligent. He has no knowledge of science. He does not know anything about the space. But he shoud lead a group of mighty superheroes. Why? Because he is a great human being, he is virtuous. He has great morale. Blah blah blah!

Do you know the actual reason why Captain leads the Avengers? It is because he has ‘America’ in his name. Giving so much importance to Captain America may seem fair to the Americans, but for the rest of the world, it is illogical.

One more thing I want to add. You must have watched ‘What if ‘ series. In the last episode of season 2, Captain Carter was given so many powers that it will be very difficult for any Marvel fan to digest this nonsense. But why too much importance to her? Because she also has ‘America’ in her name. No matter Tony died snapping with the infinity stones, she can hold all five stones with bare hand.

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